Choices, choices, choices! From finishes, hardware and glass choices the possibilities are endless. Let’s get down to the brass tacks of your windows framework.
Environmental Embracement
Vinyl Windows
Windows allow you to view the beautiful scenery of the outdoors, however, they can also allow the external elements in. Vinyl replacement windows are first-rate insulators which means in our cold Canadian winters the cold air will stay outside where it belongs.
Fiberglass Windows
As Canadians, we know that while our winters are cold and harsh, our summers are the exact opposite, hot and humid. Fiberglass replacement windows are made from resin and glass fibers that embrace the weather patterns with integrity, expanding and contracting along with the seasonal changes.
Maintenance Material
Vinyl Windows
While vinyl windows cannot be painted they do come straight from the manufacturer in an extensive colour pallet that is sure to please all homeowners. Being coloured all the way through makes them a durable choice to environmental wear in the long run.
Fiberglass Windows
Painting this type of replacement window is a breeze with their smooth texture, making them optimal for the design savvy homeowner in the long run.